sábado, 25 de dezembro de 2010

T.I.T. 203 [25-12-2010]

Travel Into Trance #203

Salve, Galera!

Este é o último set do ano! Um ano repleto de emoções com faixas brilhantes que conduziram nossa viagem a um mundo de sensações. Fica aqui os meus votos de um ótimo natal e um ano novo repleto de felicidade! Muito obrigado pela audiência, espero contar com o valioso apoio de vocês! Grande Abraço!


This is the last set of the year! A year filled with emotions along with brightening tracks that guided our travel into a sensations world. Best Wishes and a new year full of hapiness! Thank you for your audience and I hope to count with your appreciated support!


01. Activa Pres Solar Movement "Indigo"
02. Armin Van Buuren feat. Christian Burns "This Light Between Us" [Armin Van Buuren's Great Stings Mix]
03. Tom Colontonio feat. Michele Karmin "Colors of a Tear" [Suncatcher Remix]
04. D-Mad "We Have It" [Broning Remix]
05. Onova "Archipelago"
06. Amex and Jason Van Wyk "Moments" [Van Dresen Remix]
07. Julian Vincent feat. Jessie Morgan "Shadows the Sun" [Daniel Kanid's Bangin Mix]
08. Suncatcher "November 1st"
09. Suncatcher "Lightshow"
10. Estigma feat. Irena Love "Cinnamon Sunday" [Reorder Sunrise Mix]
11. Reorder "Citybeats" [Ferry Tayle Remix]
12. Reeves "Dreams" [Jon O'Bir Remix]
13. Ultimate "Towards Destiny"

Track of the Week
14. Mike Danis "Cosmic Diary" [Juventa Remix]

T.I.T. Classic Tune
15. Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto "Walk With Me" [Air Up There Mix]

Link para download:


SITE: http://www.travelintotrance.com
STREAMING: http://streaming.travelintotrance.com
ORKUT: http://orkut.travelintotrance.com
BLOG: http://blog.travelintotrance.com
TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/EdgarFarias
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=61581542848&ref=ts